Thursday, 29 September 2011

Dual Purposes

Cushion on top of box.

Originally this box wasn't being used to its full potential. It had been placed under a coat rack in the entrance hallway of a house. It was storing blankets inside which could never be accessed without moving a lot of objects off the top of the lid.

To start with the blankets were found new homes upstairs in the bedrooms where they would probably be more useful. Under the coat rack the box was replaced by a slim shelving unit for shoes which was a better way of utilizing the space and the box was found a place in the kitchen where a chair had originally been put.

Still wanting a place to sit in the kitchen I made the cushion for the top of the box from a spare section of foam I had, an old jumper and an old leftover drawer base. Cutting the drawer base and foam just a little bit smaller than the box lid I layered them up before covering them firstly with a scrap section of white fabric and secondly with part of the old jumper, stapling it all to the bottom of the drawer base.

The cushion sits comfortable on the top but can be easily removed when needing to getting inside the box. Inside it I placed three sturdy plastic shopping bags used to separate different recycling materials. The bags are easy to lift out when they need to be empty into outside containers as well as being easily cleanable when they get dirty.

Recycling bags inside the box.

I'm really pleased that I managed to find a better use for this box. It was so close to being thrown away and it would have been such a shame for it not use its full potential. Because the kitchen is so small the box works really well with its new dual functions, hiding the recycling and being a place for someone to sit plus it is the same colour as the kitchen cabinets so it fits in perfectly.  

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