Thursday, 26 January 2012

Coloured bathroom suite.

When my brother moved into his own place he asked for my help to style and decorate throughout the house including the bathroom which contained a dated chocolate coloured suite. There wasn't the budget to replace it with a white one so I decided to use it as a starting point for developing a fresh new look. 

Old coloured suite made contemporary. 

Old tiles and coloured suite.
To start with I removed the small dated tiles and replaced them with big white floor ones including a line of coloured textured border ones that luckily coordinated with the suite. The remaining free walls were then painted in a paler tint of fawn to tone in with the look as well. To complement the main colour scheme, small amounts of accent colours were added using various bathroom accessories like towels, mats and containers.

I love how this bathroom has been updated using very simple products like the white tiles that have really helped to freshen up the colour of the suite. I find the large tiles make the bathroom feel bigger but also makes the bath look slimmer. The clear glass shower shield also helps to stop the room from feeling cut in half.

When ever I see this room I'm always very impressed with how it turned out. Most people would have ripped the suite out and replaced it with a lovely new white one but by doing the opposite and changing the wall coverings to white or a very pale complimentary colour it has brought the suite back to life.

One day coloured suites will come back with avengeance!  

1 comment:

  1. I think you've done a great job. I too have a coloured suite which I have updated by painting the wall tiles and matching with accessories. You don't always need to splash out to achieve a great effect. Also most satisfying when it's not cost the earth. Well Done!
